Add-On Modules for HotelDruid



 The add-on modules allow you to use new features besides the HotelDruid standard ones. The recommended method for their usage is the subscription of our hosting service, where you get them preinstalled. Otherwise from this page you can also purchase them separately with a proprietary licence and source code partially compiled with sourceguardian, so you won't be able to modify them like the rest of the HotelDruid source code. To make sure that the modules will work on your hosting, upload the directory containing the sourceguardian loaders and open the php file that's inside from a web browser.

Testing Module

 This module can be used to verify that the sourceguardian loaders are working correctly on your hosting, before the purchase of the other modules. You have to decide the internet address (URL) from where the test will be done, this address must not contain the file name in its final part and you won't be able to modify it after the download.

Module for Booking Engine

 This module is composed by 2 website pages. The first page, for instant booking, is very similar to the availabity check one, but you can immediately complete the reservation by paying the deposit with an on-line payment service, like PayPal, or alternatively by collecting credit card data from the customers if a secure ssl connection is available. The second page, for reservation confirmation, allows your customers to complete the reservation on-line by paying the deposit if you have already inserted the reservation. Besides PayPal the other payment services available are: Gestpay from the Italian bank Banca Sella, for French bank accounts, Mercadopago for Latin America and Netcommerce iPAY for Lebanese bank accounts. The module compatibility is garanteed only with the last, not modified, version of HotelDruid at the moment of the purchase (currently 3.0.6) on php >=5.3 and <=8.0 (download the testing module to verify compatibility). Its price, including taxes, is 10 Euros.
 Before purchasing it you have to decide the internet address (URL) from where the pages will be used. This address must not contain the file name in its final part, as the default HotelDruid file names for the pages will be used, and you won't be able to modify it afterwards. So the pages created with this module must be used from a single position and with a maximum of 5 languages, being the default ones English, Spanish, Italian, French and German. But all the page phrases can be translated when creating it, so any of the 5 languages can be translated to another one. You are recommended to use a domain name that you already own.

Module for Channel Manager (available only on our hosting service)

 The channel manager module allows you to export prices and availability from HotelDruid to your account on Booking.Com, Expedia.Com and/or other portals, and to import reservations coming from Booking.Com, Expedia.Com and other portals to the HotelDruid database, all this automatically and instantly. This module is available only on our hosting service.